welcome friends

just in case i kill my computer, and my flash drive gets stuck in between the seat and door of my car... again. also, for people to read.

This is my creative writing page, if you're looking for the Einfeldt Family blog go here ---> http://einfeldtisforawesome.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One Paragraph

She deliberately did not look in the mirror as she walked into the bathroom. Lately she had been getting a little too wrapped up in identifying herself with a particular character she was reading. She had enough sense to know that she would be severely disappointed to look in the mirror and see something other than a beautiful brunette with chocolate eyes of immeasurable depth. So she kept her eyes fixed on the the thick film of soap bubbles as they swirled with the water down the drain. She couldn't handle frizzy hair and freckles today.

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