welcome friends

just in case i kill my computer, and my flash drive gets stuck in between the seat and door of my car... again. also, for people to read.

This is my creative writing page, if you're looking for the Einfeldt Family blog go here ---> http://einfeldtisforawesome.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Last second,
I reach forward to catch my head as it succumbs to gravity.
the weight of it in my hands makes my muscles quiver with the strain.
Slouching in my chair, spine curled, pain in red lines creeping
Navigating between the tendons and the muscles and the sinews of my shoulders.
Each step I'm walking in mud

Each attempt to shake off this iron coat
does little but crack joints and glaze eyes
The weight of my empty insides
causing my walls to cave and ceiling to crash.
I am walking in quicksand

The skin beneath my gray outer layers
is detaching itself from the rest of me, in search of someplace warmer

I am walking the bottom of the sea, dragging a medicine ball from each limb


Katie said...

Hey, this is really sad! Are you ok? Beautiful language as always but it is making me worry about you. Call your bosom friend if you want to talk - I'm always here for you!

MaryPosa said...

I just had the flu, and i'm fine. But i'll call you anyway. I like you.