welcome friends

just in case i kill my computer, and my flash drive gets stuck in between the seat and door of my car... again. also, for people to read.

This is my creative writing page, if you're looking for the Einfeldt Family blog go here ---> http://einfeldtisforawesome.blogspot.com/

Friday, April 24, 2009


turns out my husband hates poetry. Huh.

well, 'spose that's why i have a blog.

is there is someone out there actually reading all this tripe i'm writing? Hello?

i guess i'd like to think, in the most narcissistic corner of my little heart that someone reads, and possibly doesn't even think it's all complete crap.

i'll probably keep up with this, at least until the blogger gods decide to destroy my little space here. even if the only person who gets anything out of it is myself.. and of course you, Katie.


grburbank said...

Well, Mary, I'm here. Like all bloggers I love comments and enjoy sharing them with others. I love reading your poetry and am sad your husband is not a lover of the form. So please, as long as you keep sharing, I'll keep reading.

P.S. The other day, I was picking dog hair out of my casserole, and I totally thought of your poem.

Russ said...

I read too. I enjoy it. So please keep writing.


Katie said...

Yor kul and yor riteeng iz kul. i lik et. keep goeeng.

A Sunday Kind Of Love said...

Hey, I just wanted to say I responded to your comment but then realized maybe you might never come back to my blog and I had to let you know that that is SO CUTE that your oldest says "what I am, is tired of jam". Made my morning!!

team cowan said...

the other katie's reading too. and loving it. :)

Kevin and Katie Hulett said...

don't stop writ ing (like don't stop believ ing). i love it =)

Claire Bagley Hayes said...

You know I love reading your beautiful thoughts! Keep making those happen!

P.S. my friend got a tattoo across his chest with the words "I am but one small instrument". Funny that I was just thinking about him, when I came aross that quote on my blog. GO JIMMY EAT WORLD.